Friday, April 29, 2011

St. Mary's house Writers' Retreat

          The first picture is of my parti. I cut a board into the shape of the plan of St. Mary's House and planned out where I would want my different rooms to be, and along with those rooms, the colors that they will be are represented. I wanted the study to gray to have the room be formal, but the living room would be inviting, warm, and dramatic, while having the gray incorporated throughout. The kitchen is yellow because it points towards the east, where the sun rises, which would light up the entire kitchen. The next picture is of the furniture plan at a 1/4th scale. The living/ reading room would contain enough seating for 20 people, with extra chairs in storage. I put a desk and computer in the bedroom so that the writer would be able to get up during the night or in the morning to jot down any thoughts. The dining room is located where the alter is, keeping to the fact that dining would be ritualistic since our last project was about dining. The third page is of all the sections. I have two transverse and one longitudinal. The fourth page has two perspectives, the top one is standing in the dining room, with the wall ghosted, looking into the kitchen. The second is of the dining room while standing in the living/reading area. On the final page is the living/reading room. The fireplace is kept in the same place as it was originally and the reading space is located right next to it with a foot step up. 

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